Sunday, January 18, 2015

Sign up for COR'15 today!

As many of you may know, we conducted our Meet & Greet session on Saturday, 17th January to brief interested HIs about our upcoming OCIP camp! For more details of the session, you may click here.

Meanwhile, here are some important details from the session!

Destination: Phong Thanh, Vietnam.
Tentative Dates: 12th June to 20th June 2015
Tentative Itinerary:

The trip includes CIP, R&R and an exchange with Hoa Sen University Students and DCOH.

To register, simply fill up the form you received during the session on Saturday. Should you require more forms, or if any of your friends want to sign up as well but do not have the form, simply contact our friendly CGLs via Facebook's private message or text them at

Bryan - 8228 9549
Felicia - 9666 8528
Jie Min - 8282 7715
Ming Sheng - 9295 9479

What are you waiting for! Sign ups are open from now till 10 February! Remember to fill up and submit your forms to us through Hope to see your forms soon!

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