Friday, June 20, 2014

Day 6

After freshening up and having breakfast, we started work on the room.

For the whole of our morning and early afternoon, our members worked like bees to plaster the wall with occasional help from the coordinators of our trip. Not wanting to leave Nepal with work undone, we worked hard to make up for time. It was tiring, but we were determined to help out the school.

Tired from a day's work.
After we were done with the day's work, we washed up and went to visit a village.
At the small village, we saw chickens and many small houses of the same design. Once we reached the house we were meant to visit, we were explained about the Nepalese culture and way of life in the village. Thank you to Guiju who took the work of interpretation for the guide. The Nepalese had a very different way of life compared to us, and it was interesting to know how things get done around the village. Finally, we took turns to enter the house and look around. The ceiling was low, but the interior was very well-furnished and looked beautiful and exotic.

Following which, we helped out to cultivate a small farm with beans. We first had to rake the soil and remove the weeds. Many of us got down to all fours to increase efficiency in removing the weeds. Sad to say, we were inexperienced and even the young kids taught us a few tricks to better work in the farm. Nevertheless, we give what we could, and slowly the soil was loosen enough for plantation. We took turns to plant the beans and were grateful to the villagers who guided and helped us along the way. Hopefully, the beans will grow out and not let our work go to waste.

It was a long day of physical work. We learnt a lot about the villagers' life and even had a chance to try farming. Nonetheless, it was time to end the day, as we head to our new hotel to rest. Of course before that, we had another round of games planned by the Programmers and PnP. 

Finally ending day 6 in a nice hotel.

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