Saturday, June 21, 2014

Day 7

The final day of community service project at Chuna Devi School began with wall plastering and wall painting again however this time more people were getting better at their respective job especially those whose role was to slap the cement onto the wall. Time was running out fast and everyone was working doubly hard just so that we could complete the project for the school.

Similar to what we had at Kavre Deaf School, we got to showcase our Singapore culture to Chuna Devi students through act and dance during the cultural performance segment, scheduled right after the completion of our projects. Just before the end of the project, news about cultural performance getting cancelled due to bad weather was surfaced. Fortunately, the wet weather plan was pulled off successfully and we even got to watch the cute performance delivered by the Chuna Devi girls. The sentimental moment came again as we bid goodbye to the boys and girls of Chuna Devi School, as well as the experts who patiently taught and supervised us throughout the CIP project. 

Cultural Performance
The long awaited relax and recreation segment finally began with our lunch at The Bakery Café, Kathmandu. This café is especially special to us because almost all the staffs here are deaf people. Seeing the smiles on their faces when they met our Singaporean deaf friends can really warm anyone’s heart.

Lunch at Bakery Cafe
The whole team received some retail therapy at Thamel Shopping Street in the late afternoon. Rated 4-stars on, the shopping hub is the where we got our souvenirs, teabags and Nepal-themed t-shirts. There are also shops that sell good trekking gears and high quality cashmere at good prices (good bargaining skill is needed). Very soon, it was time for dinner and we finally had a taste of traditional Nepali Cuisine. 

Thamal Shopping Street and Traditional Nepali Restaurant

Traditional Nepali Cuisine
Our final night in Nepal ended with the Appreciation Night. This is the night when we show our appreciation to one another. The COR14 committee put up a short play about how Oswald the Rabbit, Flip the Frog, Gertie the Dinosaur and Felix the Cat worked together to make a severely depressed girl smile again. The main highlight of this year’s performance by the committee members was a Midget Dance performance. Just like last year, our deaf friends also put up an amazing mime performance for us. The expressions and content were so great such that we thought we were watching professional show at theatre. The night finally ended with some of the 44 participants of COR’14 sharing their thank you speech. 

Appreciation night performance: Midget Dance (Left) and Mime (Right)

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