Thursday, June 19, 2014

Day 5

We started off Day 5 by a long and winding road up to Chuna Devi School. Chuna Devi school is situated on top of a small mountain and to go up there, the buses had to squeeze on the small path. Once we alighted, we had to go on foot up a little way before finally reaching Chuna Devi school. Since we were on top of a mountain, the first thing that mesmerized us was the view atop.

Nice-looking view and nice-looking frogs
Once we settled down with everything, we were invited to witness the school's daily opening parade which follow into a small welcome ceremony for us. Once again, we were blessed with a Tikka on our forehead and presented with flowers.

Morning assembly.

Thanks for the warm welcome from Chuna Devi school
After the welcome ceremony, we were orientated to the place and shown the area of our CIP work. Next, we were separated into classrooms to conduct a small activity planned by our programmers. The children were presented with Crayola Crayons and disposable plates to make clocks out of. Our fellow members also start to teach them the reading of time off a clock.

Our area of work in the corner.
Crayola Crayons also make excellent photo props.
Teaching about the Clocks.
Direct guidance from one our members.
The next activity included making of masks using rubber bands and disposable plates. Our members had fun teaching and guiding the children of Chuna Devi School, finishing the interaction off with photos.

After lunch, we proceed to do our CIP which was to furnish a room which will become a canteen with a kitchen. Members were tasked to sieve out sand for plaster mixing, mix the plaster and to plaster the wall.

Wash the wall.
Sieve the sand.
Mix the plaster.
Plaster the wall.
It was a heavy day of physical work, and we were relieve to break for dinner. Before which, we had a mini lesson of dumpling making. These dumplings are called "Mo-mo" and they can be made into various shapes and designs which the members all get a chance to try making. Sadly, we did not get a chance to try our dumplings as we finished dinner and get ready for our Campfire.

Our campfire night was filled with exciting games planned by our Programmers. All games played was accompanied by the beautiful fire and each other. It was both a fun activity and a heart-warming one as we played the games and laugh alongside each other. The campfire night was finalized with a mini CGL battle to decide the order of washing up.

Finally, it was time to wash up and spend the night in Chuna Devi school. It was the end of Day 5.

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