Wednesday, June 18, 2014

Day 4

Day 4 

Day 4 marked our last day of CIP at Kavra Deaf School. Thankfully, all 4 teams managed to finish up their respective project sites. This was followed by a friendly game of Captain’s Ball with the students (many of whom surprised us with their overwhelming competitive spirit and enthusiasm).

The end result

As part of the closing ceremony, we put up the cultural performance that we had been rehearsing to perfection for the past month. The students of Kavra Deaf School, too, danced for us and took us away with some of their modern Hip-Hop moves and karate kicks. Finally, the school teachers presented us with small tokens of appreciation and blessed us with a “tikka” (red dot with rice granules on one’s forehead) and white silk khatas (scarfs).

Our actors, plus Malay and Chinese dancers represented by teams Flip the Frog and Felix the Cat!

At night, the programmers spearheaded a different set of games for us to play in teams. The first game, known as “Puzzle Grid”, required all members to line up and walk through a set of numbers in ascending order on the ground. As the numbers had been intentionally jumbled up, it was funny to witness how other team members struggled not to lose their balance while moving through the limited space. 

Getting all twisted and tangled!
The next game was a three-legged race with our buddies, followed by everyone’s all-time favorite pastime, Spot-the-Difference! Finally, we ended with “Pass the Ring”- where all team members had to pass a total of 10 mint sweets, one to each person at a time very carefully using just a satay stick.
Oswald showing their team spirit!
"Eh you wanna kiss me is it?"- Zhi Yun 

The day concluded with both committee members and HI members rehearsing their own appreciation night performances, which were scheduled to take place on the second last day of the trip. We were very much looking forward to Day 5, where we will be resuming our CIP at a new location in Nepal- Nagarkot! 

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