Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Day 3

Day 3

On Day 3 we resumed our CIP at Kavra Deaf School, with each team taking over to complete where another team left off the previous day. This time, teams “Flip the Frog” and “Oswald the Rabbit” tried their hands on the classroom paintings while teams “Felix the Cat” and “Gertie the Dino” expended their efforts on wall construction and plastering. Although both tasks were mentally and physically draining, what kept us going was the knowledge that our small efforts will make a difference to their lives.

Teams Felix and Gertie sweating it out at wall construction and plastering

Team Oswald inspiring young dreams with their mural painting

Team Flip working hard to perfect that rainbow !

At night, the programmers took over once again with a second round of team-bonding games where all 4 teams competed to earn the strongest laughter cards. The first game, known as “Time Crunch”, was played in pairs with the purpose of completing 4 stations which tested our memory and accuracy skills. The last station, which required a pair from the team to use their leg to hang a piece of clothing, was incidentally the funniest game of the lot! Teams persevered till the very end, even though there were many times where pairs had to redo the stations several times before successfully completing the game. 

The next game, one which probably required the most effort and highest degree of coordination, was “Hold the Pen”, where all members in each team had to simultaneously control a pen with their hands in order to draw an image of a place/object as requested by the programmers. Here, we actually experienced a minor blackout for the first time. Nevertheless, all of us had been well prepared with torchlights and had no problem resuming our activities. At the end of it, it was amusing to see how each team had different ways of depicting the words given by the programmers, some almost unrecognizable.

Finally, the PNPs conducted their own mini games in line with the theme of the camp “Silent Comedy”, where teams were given short scenarios to act out for entertainment. The ridiculous and exaggerated acts put up by each team induced much fun and laughter. Following that, all of us were given a choice to vote for their favorite teams who were subsequently awarded with more laughter cards.
The day ended with another round of cultural performance practice, which we had intended to showcase to the students and teachers of Kavra Deaf School the very next day.

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