Tuesday, December 17, 2013

COR'14-HI Outing 2: CIP @ Institute of Mental Health

Our volunteers and HI members met up again, this time for a more purposeful occasion. Following the HI HI Captain high tea session in October, the CGLs planned yet another eventful day for us at the Institute of Mental Health (IMH). In conjunction with Elderly Wellness Day, NTU Camp Outreach collaborated with IMH to design a series of fun filled programmes for the elderly residing there. The volunteers reached their destination, the multipurpose hall, early in the morning in anticipation for the celebration. Besides decorating the performance area, we sat in a volunteer brief by IMH’s representative Miss Catherine who shared with us the common misconceptions surrounding patients who seek treatment in IMH. With our new found understanding towards the patients, we went to the wards and assisted them in making their way down to the multipurpose hall.

On our way to meet the residents.
Our emcee Zhi Kun and Kai Yan gave a welcoming opening in both English and Mandarin to signal the commencement of the programme. Kudos to Hui Xiang, our hand sign interpreter, who helped to hand signed throughout the programme in consideration for our HI members.

Since it was early in the morning, we started off with a stretching exercise led by our talented COR member, Kachee, as well 3 of our very own HI members Patrick, Johnson and Joey.

The emcees then invited the November babies up on stage to conduct IMH’s monthly birthday celebration for the patients. As some of the elderly have difficulty with their mobility, our COR members were there to assist them in moving up the stage. We sang the birthday song in English, mandarin, Melayu, and albeit with great difficulty, in Tamil to convey our well wishes to the birthday babies!

Next up was an exciting song signing performance by our COR seniors (Jiani, Hui Xian, Kai Yan, Yun Jin, Nasuha, Hui Min, Hui Xiang) as well juniors (Michelle, Kai Yin, Zhi Yun, Wei Ting) who recently completed their basic sign language lessons. The performance included a short skit which tells the story of a girl with hearing impairment and how she managed to accept her condition as part of her identity.

Scene portraying a girl with hearing impairment being misunderstood by her new friends in class

Song signing performance of Bruno Mars' song "Just the way you are" by our COR members
A tea break ensues where the elderly were treated with sumptuous food served by our volunteers! While the elderly were enjoying their meal, slips of paper were being passed around the hall for the next segment of our programme – BINGO! Our Bingo boy and girl (Michelle and Elias) walked about the hall and awarded gifts to the elderly who were lucky enough to match the row of numbers announced by the emcees.
Our volunteer ever serving with a smile!
Bingo Boy and Girl Elias and Michelle hard at work distributing the Bingo papers.
The volunteers were just as eager in assisting the elderly to compete in the game. Following that was a special beat boxing performance by Rahmat which many of the elderly enjoyed very much as they were ethusiastically clapping to his beat.
Rapper Rahmat in the house!

Our final performance of the day was a dance routine put together by our dedicated COR members Yu Hong, Adriel, Ting Hui, Ronda, Stephanie and Ding Xuan. Despite the limited time available for practice, they managed to execute their moves effortlessly. The members also shared the steps to the routine through a mass dance session. Following the dance session was a karaoke session where interested audience went up to the stage to perform a song of their choice. Though the mass dance was popular among the elderly, karaoke proves to their favourite pastime as many of them took turns to impress us with their skills.

 From left to right: Zhi Kun, Ting Hui, Adriel, Stephanie, Ding Xuan, Ronda, Yu Hong
during their dance performance to the classic Hi-5 song "LOVE"

With the end of the karaoke session marks the conclusion of our CIP event. Goody bags were distributed in celebration of Elderly Wellness Day as our volunteer assisted the elderly in moving back to their wards. During our debrief session, Catherine expressed her gratitude for our effort in planning the programmes for the elderly. We were also glad to have the opportunity to share a meaningful morning with them. We felt that the CIP event helped to debunk myths surrounding patients seeking clinical treatment at IMH.

At the same time, it was a great opportunity for us to bond with the HI members and to promote COR and its mission to a wider community. The day ended on a cordial note with us having a lunch gathering at the Ang Mo Kio Food Centre. We hope to meet our HI friends soon in the next outing after the examination. Till then, take care!

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