Wednesday, October 16, 2013

COR'14-HI Outing 1 – HI HI CAPTAIN!

On the 12th Oct 2013, the newly formed COR'14 committee made our way down to Keppel Bay for an afternoon of sun, sea and high tea!  The theme for our very first outing is Nautical, inspired by the majestic array of yachts parked along the Keppel Bay dock.  Check out some of the marine fashion of the committee members!

In preparation for the high tea with our HI friends, a few of us proceeded to set up the picnic mats on the carpet lawn along Keppel Bay Sea Front.

Soon after, a passing cloud caused us to shift our picnic spot to the boardwalk instead. Nevertheless...our spirits were not dampened by the unpredictable weather. Sunny days wouldn't be special if it wasn't for rain, right? :)

Kaiyan giving the girls personal sign language lessons!

Our CGLs working hard at signing! A for Effort! :D

Terence giving his award-winning smile and Jia Ni's failed attempt at photo bombing :P

Shortly after, the HI members arrived! All of us arranged ourselves in a big circle and waited in anticipation to interact with them.

Jiani, our chairperson for COR 14 gave us a welcoming speech to kick starts the series of fun-filled events to come. The rest of us COR members also gave a brief introduction of ourselves and our sign names. We witnessed some rather creative ones!

We then proceeded to have the ice breaking session! Prior to the games, each of us was given a post it note stating the name of a HI member who was supposed to be our buddy for the day. The same was given to the HI participants who were tasked to find out who their COR buddy is by the end of the ice breaking game. The first game we played was the “Fire, Hunter and Earthquake” game. What better way to mix a group of strangers then to have them move around and mingle periodically.

The COR members tried their best to communicate with the HI participants despite it being our first time placing our sign language skills to practical use. After rounds of mingling, we managed to learn more about the HI members and found our secret buddy in the process. Pair shots were taken to commemorate our new friends found!

Mega love this!

"There's no place like Ohm" - Yong Qing and Johnson
Aiyoh SO SWEET faster go get married already ...!

A group photo to commemorate the end of the 1st fun-filled ice-breaker session!

Afterwards, we shifted to the nearby Vivo City to have our high tea session at the rooftop instead. What is better than enjoying good food with beautiful scenery? The companion of course! Check out the delicious home cooked food by our COR members! Who knew who had so many hidden chefs around us!

Games resumed after we filled our stomachs with awesome food. We proceed to play Charades - with plasticine! Instead of acting out the message, players have to mold the plasticine into the shape of the object and try to relay the word to the next person in the line using their artistry prowess. It was truly entertaining and bizzare how some of our participants managed to decipher the meaning behind some of the art pieces. But nonetheless a great job to all for managing to guess the words correctly!

"Mine look like Satay yes no?" - Ka Chee
"Jialat how come my team so slow one?!" - Zhi Kun

For the last activity of the day, we played wacko using our sign names. The buddy we met earlier on in the day became our partner for the game. Basically whenever one of the pair’s names is being signed, the partner would have to sign another player’s name to prevent his/ her partner from being ‘wacked’. The game not only tests the rapport between the pair but also requires much brain work from us to memorise all the player’s sign names. A tip we learnt during the name was that having a simple sign name gets you called more frequently than others – better luck next time guys!

As a day of fun games, delicious food and great companionship come to the end, we successfully concluded COR 14’s first outing HI HI CAPTAIN! Hope you guys had as much fun as we did. See you all at the next outing mates!

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