Tuesday, December 24, 2013

COR’14 Event 3: A Magical Christmas!

The holiday season has finally arrived…which brings us to the third and final event for the year…COR’14 Christmas Party! 

In line with the theme Magical, everyone was told to dress up as their favourite mythical characters and creatures. As such, we witnessed many of our fellow committee members arriving in their Santa, Reindeer and Elf-inspired getups!

In order to capture the magic of Christmas and add a festive flair to the room, many of our committee members arrived early to decorate the room with rich colours, tinsel, glittery ornaments and candles that had been gathered by our dear CGLs over the past few days. 

Some of us also helped to lay out the food for the potluck that was about to start. As usual, we had an glorious spread of food specially prepared by our talented members of the COR family…such as Kai Yin’s chicken olive fried rice, Ronda’s strawberry jelly cheesecake, Kachee’s fried udon and kangkong (anyone remembers his tasty homemade potato chipsfrom COR Outing 1?)…not to forget Guowen’s gorgeous mango crepe cake!

The party officially begun with lunch at 11:00am, and all of us had a great time helping ourselves to the amazing spread. The chocolate fondue prepared by Ding Xuan was highly popular, as many people kept coming back for more. Also, the chocolate cream puffs bought by Hui Xiang were a huge hit, as they quickly disappeared within an hour! Finally, all of us had a slice of the mango crepe cake, which was nothing short of super yummy!

"Wah this waffle biscuit is too irresistible! "- Ding Xuan

Following the potluck, some of us decided to make full use of the pretty Christmas tree and several photo booth props to take a couple of individual and group shots! No prizes for guessing who came as Harry Potter J

Next, our CGLs went ahead to carry out a series of games. The first game consisted of 5 rounds, whereby in every round, 5 volunteers will reach into a sock to feel an item and make a guess of it in sign language. As the items got progressively harder to guess, the 5 volunteers’ facial expressions grew more entertaining to watch.

“Hmmm this is harder than I thought”- Bradley

“You mean this is alive meh?”- Jun Cong

Little did we expect the final item to be actual mealworms! Ewww gross much??!!! Still, good one CGLs! ;)

The second activity required us to split into teams of 5-6 people, where teams competed in two mini games to obtain materials which will go towards decorating their Santa Claus and a reindeer! The first mini game was a test of agility as each team needed to carefully stack poker cards into a pyramid structure. 

For the second mini game, teams had to successfully remove all 4 poker cards swiftly without causing the 4 stacked cups to tumble. 

On top of the materials they have won during the mini games, all three teams were then instructed to gather whatever Christmas materials they could find around the room in order to decorate their team’s Santa Claus and Reindeer. All 3 teams were equally impressive. We even saw our fellow PNP Yu Hong, Team 3’s Santa; showcase some of his superb moonwalking skills which were sadly too quick to be captured on camera.

Finally…the last activity was the highly anticipated Christmas Gift Exchange! Instead of the conventional way of letting everyone of us choose which presents we wanted to take home, our CGLs got creative by making a game out of it! Each gift had been tied to a string, carefully numbered and hidden with the help of everyone. The end result was a messy web of strings with all the gifts stashed out of sight!

Next we each took turns to draw lots and thankfully, everyone managed to find their gifts!

What a great day of fun, food and celebration! A big thank you to our 4 CGLs for putting together such a wonderful party and to everyone else who contributed food and Christmas decorations! Hope you guys had lots of fun and HAVE A MERRY CHRISTMAS YALL!!!

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