Wednesday, January 22, 2014

COR'14 Event 4: Meet & Greet!

Finally, its here! The day that our volunteer's share with the HI community the details of this year's Camp Outreach.

News of our Meet & Greet session have already been circulated by our volunteers and many HI friends turn up to find out more about this year's program.
Everybody paying attention to the speaker.
We first start off with our Chairperson, Jia Ni, giving an introduction about COR and then introduced every member of this year's COR committee.

Jia Ni giving the introduction about COR.

Introductions of committee members.

Our lovely CGLs taking turns to introduce themselves.
Business Managers Introduction.

Next, our programmers gave a presentation on the exact details of this year's program.

Despite having learnt basic sign language only a few months back, our programmers practiced hard to sign the full presentation clearly and did well in presenting the details to everyone.

Well done Programmers!
About this year's Camp Outreach, we are reaching out to... Nepal! 

This year, COR will be heading to Nepal to help out the community and rebuilding of schools!

And we believe the HI participants are just as excited about it as we are, with everyone discussing about the program after the programmers have presented the details.

That look of interest...

The discussions and questions...

We also asked Yinking some questions:

What do you think about COR?

I think its interesting and can make more friends.

How did you know about COR?

From friends who are past COR participants.

What are you expecting from COR?

I expect a lot of fun and it will be my first time doing overseas CIP.

Thank you Yinking for sharing you thoughts about COR'14!

And finally, the session was ended with a group photo with everyone.

Morning Group.
In the afternoon, we had another round of Meet & Greet, and it went as smoothly as the morning session.

Afternoon Group.
We hope that the Meet & Greet had been informative to all potential HI participants for COR'14, and we wish everyone the best of luck for this year!

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