Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Pre-Camp 1! :D

Date: 13 April 2013
Time: 9.30am

Its about less than 2 months to COR '13!! :D Are you all getting excited for the camp??

So here was our Pre-Camp 1 at SADEAF to allow everyone to get to know one another better! (:

A big thank you to our CGLs and Logs who organised this event and came early to prepare for it!

First up, was the self-introduction by the COR committee members! Next, there was a trip briefing by Dawn, Guiju and the programmers to gear us up for the camp!

& a Q&A session after that...

Then... It was the start of all the fun! GAMESSSS! First up was the ice breaker game, in which someone had to introduce themselves by saying one lie and two truths. The person would then choose another person to guess which is the lie. If the person did not get the correct answer, a forfeit awaited him/her~ Thus, they are looking intently and trying to figure out which one of the sentences was a lieeeee!

So here's the forfeit! Hehe! Those who were not able to get the correct answer were made to do the actions from the cute Gwiyomi Song~~  Awwww look at how cute they are! ^^

There were also 3 station games. One was to try to hit a pyramid of cans done with different types of objects. Another was for 5 members of a group to skip concurrently in the same skipping rope. The last one was an improvised version of the traditional hopscotch. Here are some photos taken during the games time!

Hope you all had fun during our first Pre-Camp! (: Do look forward to the next few Pre-Camps and see you all!

A little shout-out to those who are studying: Jiayou and all the best for exams! Don't stress! We are all in this together! (: Study hard & rest well too! :D
As for those who are working: Enjoy your work! Don't be too stressed as well! Have fun! (:

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