Tuesday, May 21, 2013

Pre-Camp 2! :D

Date: 18th May 2013

It was our second pre-camp and it was held at....SENTOSAAAAAA! :D
(Feel the sun on your skin, no one else can feel it for you! (:)

Firstly, we had to dig into the sand to find a piece of paper with our name written on it! And at the back of the paper was... the GROUP that we are assigned to for COR'13! Look at how hard everyone is trying to find their names!

So... after digging into the sand for some time... the groups are formed! (: Introducing the groupings for COR'13 (for those who were present on that day)!




& Sonic!

After being introduced into our groups, we split up to play 2 games concurrently. One was called Angels and Demons! One group was assigned to be the Angels while another group was the Devil. The Angels had to place the cups in the upward direction while the Devils had to turn the cup around. The aim of this game was to see which group had the most cups facing in the direction that they were assigned to.

The other game was something like broken telephone, but instead the words have to be passed down the line via drawings! Look at how artistic we are! 

We also played Captain's ball and some games of beach volleyball or monkey.

& of course, what fun is there at the beach without some playing in the sand or the burying of people in the sand! :p

Not forgetting... Dunking people into the sea!!

To end the day, we went to the Southernmost point of Continental Asia via a bridge!

Hope everyone had a fun time playing at the beach in Sentosa! (:

That's all for now, till the next pre-camp! :D

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