Tuesday, March 19, 2013

COR Outing 6 - CIP Day

Date: 16 March 2013
Time: 9:00 a.m.
Venue: Telok Blangah MRT Station

What is COR'13 and our HI friends doing there???

It's CIP DAY! Yes, that's right! On this very meaningful day, COR'13 has gathered our HI friends for a good cause! In collaboration with Citycare organization, we are going to clean and paint 2 HDB units belonging to the less privileged!

And this is how our day started, with our dear CGL Sok Hian signing instructions to our HI friends! :)

And we are officially split into 2 separate groups! Here we go!

And the cleaning begins...

Our dear Sok Hian looking very happy! :)

Be careful!

OMG look at what we have destroyed!! Ultimate cleaning experience for all of us!

Look at how happy the family is! :) All our hard work is not for nothing!

Meanwhile, what is the 2nd group doing??

Yao Jun the painter!

And more budding painters! :)

And a Mao Ze Dong in the team?!?!?

More cleaning by the 2nd group too!

It was indeed been a great volunteering experience for all of us in COR'13 and I believe it's the same for our HI friends too! It was a great opportunity for us to bond together as one HI community too! 

Hope you have enjoyed this short get-together and hope to see you again at our next meeting! Ciao! ^^

Brought to you by your very own lovely ladies from
COR'13 P&P 

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