Wednesday, March 6, 2013


(HAHAHA, Just for laugh)

Fret not, COR'13 Chinese New Year outing was here to make everyone lose some fats from all those cny goodies! It was a good time to do some exercise, played team-building games and bond together!

Mission of the day: Walked from henderson wave to Vivo
The journey began.........

We then stopped at the first rest-stop to take a break and play some games. The first game was "Pass the message" through signing.  It was hilarious to see how the message became totally different after passing it from to another. 

Our fellow Cgls were the station-masters.

Signing in progress~
The last person of each team was to write down the message.

Let's take a look at what each team has written:

Then at the second check-point, it was a test on our drawing skills, instead of signing, each of us was to pass on our drawings. Look at how a panda evolves to a bear  & here are some of our artists at work!

The day ended off with dinner over at Harbourfront centre. 
Group-photo-of-the-day to end off our awesome outing! 

PS: Hope to see everyone during our 6th outing on the 16th march, we will be doing volunteer work by helping the elderly to clean and paint their homes. Excited much!!!!!

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