Sunday, February 3, 2013


Hi all,

A big thank you to everyone who was with us during COR'13 Meet and Greet!!!
Do spot your pretty/handsome faces below:

The early birds who came for the morning session

Both sessions were full house! The event started off with the screening of COR'13 video.
For those who have missed it, not to worry, you can catch it here!
*Drum rolls*.......proudly present to you,
THE THEME OF COR'13 : "RETRO-POLY"!(Retro-toons-cum-monopoly)

Are you ready to embark on a 9 days journey to 

Exact date of our exciting trip: 8-16th JUNE 2013

What is so different with COR'13?
       -There is a CHANGE IN FOCUS, we will be focusing on COMMUNITY SERVICE this year
          -There will be 5 days of community service at Phuong Thinh village & 2 days of adventure.

Day 1-6, what will we be doing?

  • ECO toilet building
  • Road building
  • School refurbishment 
  • Teaching
  • Cleaning & cooking

  • Village cultural exchange (whereby performances will be put up by both the village folks and COR participants)

In case you are curious about where we will be sleeping and what are the available facilities in the village:

Here is a quick glance of our 9days' itinerary: 

As for R&R:

Day 8-9: It's adventure time!!!! We will be heading to Vat Sam Ecotourism park, with fun-filled activities such as crocodile fishing, cycling, amazing race and many more!

The awesome itinerary was planned by our beloved Programmers

COR'13 meet&greet session ended off with refreshment time, it was a good time for everyone to mingle and interact with one another.

(Here's a gentle reminder)

Cost of the trip:
  • Student: $250/pax
  • Adult (21 years old as of 1st Jan 2012): $270/pax

Dateline for registration:

24th February 2013

Form submission:
1.Email scanned softcopy with SIGNATURE to the official Chief Group Leader (CGL) 

2. Hard copy submission to either SOK HIAN or DING ZHI

If you have any further enquiries:
Do not hesitate to contact us at

                                   Quick join us for COR'13 VIETNAM!!

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