Saturday, November 1, 2014

COR'15 HI First Outing

For COR'15’s very first outing, our newly formed COR'15 committee travelled all the way down to Botanic Gardens area on 18 October 2014. In fact, we met there an hour before HI's outing for our practice of sign languages and prepared to be ready to see HI participants!

Practising sign languages

Our hardworking CGLs... planning games and sign languages

We first greeted the HI participants with big smiles! We started introducing ourselves by our finger-spelled names and sign names. It was quite an experience for most of us as we were quite nervous to introduce ourselves to a big group through signing!

HI participants introducing themselves

First game organized by CGLs was CAPTAIN’S BALL!!
We were being split into 4 teams names: Red-Apple, Green-Salad, Yellow-Lemon and Blue-Berry. It was not a typical captain’s ball game which we usually play. We had to play with different types of “balls”such as banana skin, tennis ball, ping pong, soap bar, pom pom etc.

Captain Ball with HIs

Happily playing with laughters & everyone was pretty competitive haha

BREAK TIME!!! Time to eat food personally made by COR'15 portfolios! We made sandwiches, hotdogs, seaweed chicken, jelly etc... While eating we interacted with HI participants and get to know them better. In addition, we can improve and learn signing by chatting more with them.
Yummy! Time to eat food!! Junk food taste the best! #guilty pleasures

The Second game is the Guessing of Sign Names! This game can be played between 2 teams and each team is represented by 1 person. The representatives of both teams will put against each other. They're separated by a blue big cloth (as shown in photo below). Both team representatives will squat down in front of that blue big cloth, not knowing who the person of the other team is in front. When the blue big cloth is down, the one who calls the person of other team by using sign name first, is the winner!

It was really hilarious when we get to see panicky & funny expressions from some of us!

We ended off with a final game which was to pass water down a human chain with different tools & the aim was to fill up a 1.5 Litre bottle.

Posing with our kitchen tools…

      ( Carrying water using straws,sponge, tissue paper etc)

At the end of games, time to prize for the 1st, 2nd, 3rd and fourth teams…No order because ALL of us are champions! haha

          Salad Team      Berry Team
Lemon Team       Apple Team

At the end of COR'15 outing 1, a group shot!=)

We ended our first outing with dinner at Albert Hawker centre near Botanic Gardens with some of HIs participants!! Eat, Drink, Chat, Joke and Laugh together! For more photos of our first outing, click on 
And don’t forget to click “Like” our Facebook page! =D

Thank you for joining our Camp OutReach’15 first outing! We hope all of you have enjoyed much fun!! See you in next outing!! Stay Tuned for more exciting updates =)….

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