Friday, August 8, 2014

COR’14 Post-camp: Every end has a new beginning

Last Saturday was a special day for COR’14 as we conducted our final event – POST CAMP at Vivo city! The place certainly brought back some great memories of the very 1st outing we had at the nearby Keppel Bay 1 year ago ^^

Unlike the usual set of team bonding games, this one was played running-man style! As soon as we settled into our familiar OGs, we received a video documenting the kidnap of our chairs Jiani and Huixian. It soon became an epic race against time for all 4 teams to save them from the hands of the kidnappers! One of the station games even saw us using flour bombs as a form of attack against our opponent teams. Messy yet exhilarating!

At last, the day ended with a birthday celebration for our July/August babies and a showcase of the video created by the PNPs highlighting all the precious moments and meaningful times spent at Nepal. Heartfelt thanks to those who have contributed their videos and photos for this video!

And much to our delight, the His presented us 4 sparkling juices with specially customised bottle packaging to represent each OG! Their thoughtful and creative way of saying thanks! left us feeling very touched indeed.

At last, what a fruitful year it has been for all of us! While we are sad that the COR’14 journey has come to an end…let’s not forget that every end has a new beginning. We are excited to welcome the next batch of members (COR’15) into our big COR family and hopefully they will go on to achieve greater milestones and create more wonderful memories as one!

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