Saturday, December 10, 2011

COR Bubble Tea 2011

Still remember the all-familiar poster that seemed to be on every lift?

 2nd and 3rd November marks COR12’s first ever bubble tea canvassing sales in NTU.

And to tell you the truth, we were initially pretty skeptical about the turnout and response from the college population. What sort of pricing strategy should we adopt? What sort of publicity methods should we use? Would there even be enough people to even make a profit?

After numerous weeks of intensive planning, together with our publicity team working hard to come out with posters, and the logistics working behind the scenes, we are proud to present to you, COR BBT 2011.

To start it off, we were really fortunate to have Eskimo, IGave, Seventeen, Jewels and Kimage as our proud sponsors for the event.

Our Proud Sponsors

2nd November 0800hours
COR starts its initial preparation for the event. Getting geared up for a tough battle ahead.

Presenting to you – the Logistics, at their very best. (With 1 x eye power)

Ding Zhi – A happy man.

And when everyone was at work, there were those who made setting up seem like a breeze.

And so… after all the sweat and hard work. Tada! The booth is set up. Sweats.
And the sales begin.

The mobile poster.

Let the money roll.

And we still thought we spotted someone familiar.

Sales was so good that we even ordered additional cups to our second day order, and broke our targeted profit.

Kudos to all who have came to support us financially and physically.
Kudos to our sponsors for their amazing sponsorships.
And of course kudos to the mighty warriors of COR12 for selflessly volunteering their time and effort.

It was a battle, well fought.

It was simply, awesome.

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