Monday, December 8, 2014

COR'15 Photoshoot day

(Do note that if you are viewing from your mobile phone and desktop, it will be of a different view. Cheers!)

It is everyone's favourite month of the year again! DECEMBER! *Shower confetti* and *pop champagne* It have been a rather long hiatus since COR last blog post and facebook posts but fret not, we are all still alive and kicking! Final examinations for Semester 1 has ended (oh wait, I meant it has FINALLY ended) and so we will be more active with all the social media updates as from now on :) Fresh new blog template,yes....You heard right! While we are still deciding on a single template,please be patient with us,hehehe.


2014 is finally coming to an end and we will be ushering in the new year soon, COR'1415 committee has been through a short period of close to 4 months sharpening their Basic Sign Language through song lyrics, partaking bonding and CIP activities with our fellow lovely HIs friends, wrecking our brains to plan our highly anticipated OCIP that will be occurring in mid 2015 and last but not least...Forging friendships. And alright, enough of silly musings, I bet you are looking out for COR'1415 photoshoot sneak peeks so let us show you what we have got from the photoshoot. You will never be disappointed reading this blog entry as you smile along to yourself.

25th October 2014 was COR photoshoot and every single one of us were dressed to the nines, cladding in our most colourful outfits ever so as to match our 2015 new theme for COR which is Masked Colours. Doesn't the theme name rings a little bell in your head? Yes, colours! Think of fun, wacky, excitement, joy, cheerfulness and the list of synonyms go on and on. In fact we have two kinds of photoshoot on that day, the formal and the informal one. We were rather blessed to have a perfect weather for the photoshoot. Nobody like to be drenched in the rain isn't it? And if that day was to pour, its not going to be colour fun and instead, COLOUR RUN.

Yuck. Thank goodness our photoshoot plan wasn't foiled or else the PnP team will have to rack their brains for a plan B on the spot and everyone's efforts in dressing up will drenched with the rain as well.

Before we spoil you with some pixels of the photoshoot day, it is of course the recce photos....

Lorong Halus was one of our desired locations but after having a recce at both of our locations, the actual location (In which it shall be kept as a habit of discretion) and Lorong Halus, we decided to eliminate Lorong Halus due to the accessibility and feasibility reasons. Lorong Halus, you were breath-taking and all but so long~ We chose a better location afterall!

Such a beautiful pond for individual portfolio background shoot right?

PnP can be both the photographers and the models too! Do not underestimate their prowess.

Christmas came early for our PnP team, look at the gleeful smiles plastered on their faces and they had so much fun that day despite the scorching weather!

Unfortunately, four minus one. Cadance was supposed to be present on the day as well but due to her school report write up, she has to give the recce a miss. #Cadancestressed Sigh... perks downs of being an engineering major student. Cadance, plan better before hand the next time alright! *wag finger*

Our second recce location which is also the final location we settled for the actual location was somewhere in the North East of Singapore. Any guess?

I know the place may look a little compact for a proper photoshoot but behold....

I KNOW RIGHT?!?! Please forgive us for going gaga over this small yet beautiful place. It really got us swooning over and over again. We just cannot get enough of the colourful buildings which suited our theme (Masked Colours) really well. Locations in Singapore like this still does exist. We really love the location so much!

Just like sisters.

See? What I told you about PnP team being mighty? They can arm themselves with the bulky cameras and pose before the cameras as well.

And from here on, let us spoil you a little for some of the sneak peeks of the individual photoshoot.

Disclaimer: The below images are not the actual chosen photos of the photoshoot. Anyway good things are meant to be waited right? So we will be spoiling you the other "outtakes" of that day.

Our Ying zhen rocking in her serious and edgy look!

Sadrina, always the photogenic babe in COR!

Cassandra in her lovely feminine posture!

Not forgetting the suave KaiLeun looking so dashing!

Frederica is her never ending legs and looking so sunshine there!

One of our capable chief group leaders, just look at Ming sheng posting another side of himself!

Yinking looking so studious over there! You rock!

Cadance posting after her 475566679734843th photo! Could have been a nice photo if the wind did not interfere during the shoot! Such little details are being monitored on the actual day itself to produce the best photos from the photoshoot day! So we will definitely sift out the best photos with as little flaws as possible for the finalization. Its never easy posing various poses but we all have fun on that day!

Other than these, we did fooled around on the day itself. "Photoshoots have to be serious in order to get the best look on the day itself" Says who?

Our chief group leader blending in with the natural elements in one single photo! Pigeons!

Eelin floating away with the balloons!

What we have not shown you are the different portfolios photoshoots and the overall group photo but let all of us anticipate for it. We promise you that you will never regret waiting for the finalization of the photos.

Moving on the the colour powder photoshoot aka our informal photoshoot for that day, we moved our belongings to to a new place within the same close proximity in the area. It took almost 5 hours for the formal shoots to be completed. It was tired, most of us were really worn out, dehydrated and famished after the photoshoot but it did not stop us from injecting enthusiasm for the second part of that day. We all had our lunch in a jiffy, changed into our white tops to allow the colour powder to be dyed on our shirts. While waiting for the sunlight to subside a little (as we do not want our photos to be overexposed), we learnt a new song in the form of signing. It was such a fruitful day. Kill two birds with one stone, not only did we complete our photoshoot, we learnt new words as well. Thanks to our secretary, Chengni for the guidance!

And....welcoming the photos of the colour powder shoot. We only designated portfolios shoots for the colour powder as well as the overall COR shoot, there were unfortunately no individual shoots for this due to several deliberations from the PnP team.

Just us being us and why so serious, Ming Sheng!


Eelin and Chengni!

Our programmers!

Just look at Zheng siang! Such cheerful smile!

Our PnP team.

And our big 3, Stephanie, Peiyu and Chengni!

We concluded that day looking colourful and messy but that was not the point. Our smiles are definitely genuine because we really had a lot of fun that day.

With that,we will end this blog post with our overall COR photoshoot and we hope that you enjoy reading this blog post as much as we enjoyed crafting this blog post!

HAPPY HOLIDAYS from the COR'1415 committee! :)
But psst...We will not stop working this holidays to bring you the finest updates of COR.

Yours truly,

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