Wednesday, April 9, 2014

COR'14 Event 7: Pre-Camp 1

Its finally here! The highly anticipated event of Camp Outreach.

Pre-Camp 1 signifies the start of COR'14's journey together towards the actual trip. It is also the first time participants met each other and got to know one another through a day of fun filled activities planned by none other than our LOGS!

We started off the event with a short round of introductions. The committee members went up with their portfolio mates and introduced themselves using basic sign language.  We also got to introduce the facilitators for this year's camp, Gui Ju and Dorcas, who will be alongside with us throughout the trip.

The first and most important itinerary of the day is, of course, the sharing of trip details by our programmers. The participants gave their utmost attention as the programmer covered the nitty-gritty details of the things to prepare and lookout for the trip.

Thanks Programmers!
When the briefing ended, it was time for the games which Pre-Camp 1 promised and delivered. We got into our groups, as recognized by our shirt colour, and competed for points via games planned by our Logistics members.  The games were simple but involved both stamina and wits - participants were put on trial based on their teamwork and agility as points were awarded according to how fast teams were able to complete the task.  Check out the happy smiles of the teams!

The Blue Team
The Green Team
The Red Team

The White Team

The Planners of the game explaining the rules of the games.

Run! For the points!
For the second activity, we headed back into the comfort of the air-con rooms and played yet another hilarious game that showcased our acting and guessing potential.  Members of the each team had to pass down a phrase or word by acting or signing it out. Basically, it was a spin off to charades whereby the last member had to guess what was the original message.  It was a simple and lighthearted game and the room was filled with laughter as we witness some of the most creative and outrageous *failed* attempts at acting.

Ready for action!

For the third session, the teams are to square off against each other in the compounds of NTU as they battle it out using paper balls and rackets.  Each team has to look for paper "Ammo", hidden around the compound, and launch them at the opposing team's queen to disable them.  With the harsh rainy weather, the slippery terrain confines the games to a limited space and provides the battleground with strong wind that mildly affected the tossing of the paper balls.  Nevertheless, our logistics and teams members were there to look out for one another's back.

Playing with the Queen's Hoop.

Team Red strategizing and being on alert.
As the games come to a close, everybody is left tired and smiling.  Posed for the group photo, we hope that the smiles were true to the day and everybody had a great time.  We hope Pre-Camp 1 had given everybody the chance to get to know each other better.  Also, let's not forget the hardwork put in by our Logistics members to organise this event.  Our heartfelt appreciation to them for the job well done despite the wet weather. With that, we look forward to Pre-camp 2 which will take place after examinations.

We hope you all had fun :)

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