Thursday, February 13, 2014

COR'14 Event 5: CNY Special- Surfing the Sound Waves!

On the 9th day of Chinese New Year, our COR’14 committee met up with the HIs for another day of bonding at the beach! This time, we all decked out in auspicious and bright colours of red and yellow in celebration of the New Year...

The event begun with a detailed briefing by our 4 CGLs on the series of beach games we would be playing in our respective groupings (Teams 1-4) against each other. For the purpose of the first game “Guess Who?”, we took turns to introduce our sign names (which reminded me of how much I needed to brush up on my signing whoops!).

The first game played was a test of who could remember and sign their opponent’s name the fastest. Our HI friend Jie Ying managed to catch on to many of our names, even though she had just joined the COR family...very impressive!

The second game called “Snakes” required every team to form a chain with 2 members representing the “head” and the “tail”. The “head” of each team pretty much controls the game, as he/she has to catch the “tail” of the opponent team, and at the same time defend his/her team’s “tail” from being caught. The sun was fully up by then but thankfully everyone was equally sporting in the sweltering heat!

The third wet and wild game, known as “Conquer the dynasty”, involved a great deal of teamwork as members of each team not only had to build a tall and strong sandcastle but also had to fill up as much water bombs as possible to launch an attack on the other teams.

“I’VE GOT SWAG” –  Zhikun

“Bring it on!”- Huixiang on 100% defence mode. Or perhaps he was just looking for someone to give him a hug HAHA just kidding.

Team 1
 Team 2

Team 3

Team 4
Managed to capture a group photo just before the skies turned grey and it started pouring!

In the fourth and final game was somewhat of a funfair, where each team member was given a coupon with 3 stamps. Each stamp would entitle him/her to play at any of the 4 game stations: 1. Toss a ring 2. Chubby Bunny with oranges (The ultimate tekan) 3. Shoot the Ping Pong and 4. Dunking! (which was highly unpopular due to obvious reasons heh!)

Here is another one of our new HI friends, Dennis, holding the water gun like a pro!

Andddd finally…the much awaited LOU HEI session, ingredients specially prepared by our CGL Dingxuan’s mum! Yums! Cheers to many more successful CORs in the following generations to come!

Anddd…one last group photo with oranges to end the CNY outing right! :)

With another day of the Lunar New Year to go, here’s wishing everybody a happy and auspicious Year of the Horse! HUAT AH!

Stay tuned for our next COR CIP outing in March! :D

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