Our pre-camp 1 happened on 4th April 2015. It was very heart-warming to see the HIs coming down to NTU hall6 early in the morning to attend the camp. A little shout out to whoever is reading this entry now: Thank you so much for the participation and making our day so much brighter!
As usual, we had some self introduction. As the dates of the OCIP is drawing nearer, bonding with everyone is an essential. We were also required to form our own group names after being fixed in a group of about 8 to 9 members. The names of the 4 teams were 1D, Rainbow, Titan and Cool. (Do not ask me why these names came about, let me reiterate, do not ask me why. I can never stop laughing at the formation of the names even till now.)
Other than our usual friends, we are really elated to welcome new faces. Featuring Wan Ling and Jimmy with us in the house yo *Points below*
We are also very excited to have new friends, Singyi and Syafiqah attending this camp as well!
We proceed on with playing some ice-breaker games among our own teams after a short self introduction of ourselves. The ice breaker games really got all of us warming up for the day ahead and everyone was so competitive, fighting points for their own team. We were first given 9 games to randomly stick it on a paper. It was also made known that the first team to have 2 rows/ columns of games being completed will be the leading team for section. Out of the 9 games, some of the games include:
1) Pokémon Fight (A group had to summon a Poke Trainer and a pokemon for a battle with the opponent team. Creative fight moves have to be created among individual teams)
2) HUH WHAT IS IT (Every group was supposed to line in columns and the first person had to draw a picture of a selected image. The picture has to be shown to the next person, so on and so forth)
3) Dance performance (The title says it all. Mini dance performance by every teams)
And we have 6 other more ice breaker games not listed down here!
Let some of the pictures do the talking for now!
Sexy Ellias to show off his dance moves while his group 1D follow from the back. His dancing really cracked everyone to burst into laughter man!
Pokémon battle! Shuyu the squirtle!
That resemblance.....
And both of the Pokémon from the two teams will ultimately collapse after massive rounds of attacks.
Cool team preparing their HUH WHAT IS IT game.
Much effort for drawing this very cute dog. I guess everyone has a very tiny flair in drawing *Erherm* JUST VERY TINY. Not to mention a dog become a cat, a chick become a bird, a dolphin became a shark. Its pretty interesting to see the different versions of drawing everyone came up with HAHA.
We had our lunch after the ice breaker games at the nearby canteen 2 and shortly after, it was treasure hunt! Our day cannot start off any better than this. Every team was supposed to find 4 pieces of assigned coloured papers for their own team. Each paper contained a segment of a song lyrics. After finding all 4 papers, we were required topiece them up into a complete song and then song sign it for everyone to see. For example, Rainbow had yellow and they are supposed to find 4 pieces of yellow papers hidden around the SRC area, along the grand stand beside the tracks. Some of us showed our competitive side by even hiding the other teams' coloured paper when they found it. Integrity people, where is the integrity? But to be honest, this was how the treasure hunt game was being spiced up! I mean come on, it wouldn't be fun if it is pure searching only right?
Celissa going down the grandstand to search for her team's missing note.
The 4 papers weren't easy to find at all but 1D managed to find all 4 as the first leading team and they proceeded on to learn their song signing at the hall 6 amphitheatre.
Ming sheng not giving up on the lockers too. Way to go! Rainbow's pride *Flex muscles*
And it is song signing time! The 4 songs of the day were:
1)Pokémon theme song-I wanna be the very best
2)Westlife-If I let you go
3)Kit chan-Home
4)Extreme-More than words
Wanling coaching her fellow 1D mates on the song signing of Pokémon's theme song.
KaiLeun: "Oi don't take my photos leh"
Okie dokie photo taken.
The song signing was definitely one of the highlight of the day. Other than the fact that our fellow COR members can slowly drill their sign language standard, our HI friends are able to have a session of song signing some foreign songs as well!
Treasure hunt part II
We proceeded on with finding some materials to build our very own team castle. Some of the given materials were the foundation-cupboard boxes, extra stationeries like masking tape, markers, pen knife and newspaper. Some of the teams even have the creativity to pick up dried up palm leaves, dried up branches from the surroundings to decorate and pimp up their castle.
1D building on their kingdom!
In the midst of building the castle, Cool was disturbed by Kaileun and look at poor Stephanie.
ID and Cool castle!
The queen of Liliput! Just joking, just Stephanie with her castle built with her team members from Team!
Team Rainbow! And the Rainbow flag that fly high and proudly on the top of the castle.
After the construction of 4 castles, its time to get messy and white!
And *drum rolls* please....
Ping pong ball game!
It sounded like some easy ping pong game but in actual fact, we had to blow the ping pong (without using any of our hands) and ensuring the ping pong ball goes right into the goal (Opening of the cardboard boxes) It is actually like a soccer, minus our limbs, add a table and flat lay of cardboard as the game set-up, substitute with ping pong ball and heaps of flour! Anyone who fought for their team and played this game can never escape being clean and neat. Our faces were bound to be covered with flour and the more competitive we are, the messier we will get!
The mandatory part of every game-Briefing
Zhensiang giving us a short briefing of the game instructions and what nots.
Afterwards, its time to get messy,dirty and down the game!
Sadrina was fighting every possible chance to move the ping pong ball into the goal.
Lisha too!
Happy faces after the few rounds of ping pong ball game.
Wait...And face of agnony?! Steven,are you alright!?
Everyone had a short clean up of their faces and shirts before moving on to a more physical game. Table top soccer! Basically this image below.
However, we will be playing this game as we are. Meaning we will be playing this game in human form and all the instructions and methods to score is similar to the table top soccer hence the component of being more physical than the other games mentioned above. It was really a great workout for anyone who haven't been exercising and of course, another opportunity to fight for the chance to score more points for their own teams. We were required to grab hold onto the string attached from one end of the futsal court to the other end and remain in our stationery position while we kick the soccer balls. The only movement we can make is side moves along the string we held onto.
The guys sitting at the edge on one end of the futsal court, patiently waiting for the match to start.
Aishah, her moves on the futsal court are really to be made envious of.
This is coming from a person who doesn't really play sports that much.
Jimmy! Rainbow's pride. He has most probably helped Rainbow team score most of the goals.
The soccer match was probably the second last game of our pre-camp 1. We summed it off playing a wild and wet game! Unfortunately we did not capture any photos for this segment but I am sure everyone who participated in this water activity game would still remember it right? By words, all four teams were given to choice to choose a mysterious bag of materials which contained the materials needed for this water activity. Some of which includes little plastic bags to contain the water and to act as water bombs, water guns, newspapers and many other more. We were also required to protect our own castle built earlier on while rivals from other teams will take the chance to destroy our castle hence whichever mysterious bag of materials we have chosen (Out of sheer luck) will determine how well our castle is protected. I know words are not sufficient to describe how well the evening was ended off but I'm sure everyone out there can still remember that evening vividly as we got water bombed by members from opponent teams.
It was really a crazy and wild evening with the water activity. All of us were also briefed by the programmers on the upcoming OCIP to Phong Thanh which will be in June.
As the days pass by, the date is drawing nearer and with the end of this pre-camp 1,we will be welcoming another pre-camp two that will be happening on 30th and 31st May 2015.
Important dates to note down as of now: Pre-camp 2 on 30th and 31st May 2015
So let the countdown begins now!
Written by Cadance.
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