Before we met our respective tutees, our beloved CGLs had to brief us about what to do, explaining to us the details of the day's events and teaching us how to conduct the Art and Science Lessons.
For Art Lesson, we were tasked with making a 3D Dragon figure, whose eyes will "follow" you where ever you turn! What an intriguing crafts lesson! Our tutees were tasked with cutting out the little paper dragons and glueing them together, under the instructions of Jie Min. Alot of them were fast-learners, and could even complete the dragon whilst some COR members and HI volunteers were still struggling to figure out how to assemble it (including me)!
Tutees and Tutors working together to make the Dragons!
How does it work? If we move around when viewing a solid object, our brain knows how the object we are looking at should behave. However the dragon gives us the wrong clues, because we mis-interpret what its shape is. We assume that the nose of the dragon is pointing out towards us, but in fact the dragon's head is concave. Now, that's something new that we learnt!
This is actually an optical illusion. This little dragon is made out of paper - you simply cut it out and stick it together, and stand it on a table or window ledge. But when you move around, the dragon's head seems to follow you around the room.
For Science Lesson, our tutees learnt about the Volcano Experiment. In this activity, each tutee was trusted with a powerful water-gun, and had to shoot at paper targets. Once they succeeded in breaking the target, a bag of baking soda would drop into the volcano, causing it to erupt! The kids were so excited about this experiment that some of them were impatient and started without waiting for instructions tsk tsk.
Shooting the targets which will release a bag of baking soda into the volcano!
The science behind this? The baking soda is a base while the vinegar is an acid. When they react together, they form carbonic acid which is very unstable, instantly breaking apart into water and carbon dioxide, which creates all the fizzing as it escapes the solution, making the volcano "erupt".
The tutees thoroughly enjoyed this experiment, and burst into a water-gun fight afterwards.
Bryan and Ming Sheng being the MCs of the Memory Game.
Next up was a Memory game, in which tutees had to sign out the grid colour and animal (e.g Blue Dog), and find matching pictures! Group 2 won the intense battle in the end, much to the dismay of Group 1. We ended the day with Poison Ball, in which whoever is standing in the square had to dodge ping pong balls thrown by the other group! Everyone got a chance to play, and 4 winners emerged after 4 rounds of screaming, dodging and of course lots of laughter.
Everyone running and dodging poison balls happily.
Mandatory group photo.
Thanks CGLs Ming Sheng, Felicia, Jie Min and Bryan for organising the day's CIP event, and thank you to all our HI volunteers, Ellias, Steven, Zi Ying, Divya and Aloysius, as well as some RSPHI volunteers from the Kallang branch, who came down to help too!
See you guys during our next outing! In the meantime, all the best to our COR members, who are having their Final Exam very soon! ((:
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